Hellstorm All Stars 4

This weekend,

I was able to attend the second Hellstorm GT of 10th, and these events are fast becoming one of my favourites - there is a really interesting mix of competitive and hobby focused players and not 1, not 2, but 5 different terrain layouts.

I love the challenges and the different aspects for each of the layouts and how it impacts the game. My personal favourite is player placed terrain - adding a whole new level to the game and how a mission plays.

The field was interesting, 15 wraithknights for 9 eldar players, a smattering of chaos knights and a few Tsons players. Surprisingly also, 4 Chaos Daemons players all with largely different lists.

My List

The list I have taken is one that I have been having a lot of success with in tournaments, going into this weekend I was a grand total of 15-0 in tournament games, and solid performances in practice games. I ran my variant monster mash list:


Shalaxi Helbane


Lord Of Change

Keeper of Secrets - With the enhancement

The changeling

3 x 3 Flamers

1 x 10 Plaguebearers

The premise of this list is really simple: 90 + Toughness 10 wounds, with a 4+ Invulnerable saves, and ways of healing.

Couple this with the teleporting shennanigans I have a list that; hits like a truck, doesnt die, and plays tactical objectives really really well.

The main choice that stands me apart from other monster mash lists is the inclusion of the keeper - I prefer how obscenely tanky they can be to just cause problems for my opponent to deal with.

Game 1 - Custodes

The first game of the day was on Player placed terrain, against Andy - Trajann, Blade Champ, Wardens & Guard. It truly was a battle of the 4++. Normally I have a good time into Custodes as I have the speed to keep out of reach and tanky enough to survive at least 1 round of combat. I was fairly confident going into this - having a strong terrain deployment I was safe for at least 2 turns in charges.

I took a very strong lead on primary and secondary - However due to the blade champion doing 15 mortal wounds to shalaxi in a single activation, I quickly was running out of material.

Coming down to the last turn and a clutch re-roll save allowed a big swing turn for the custodes to spike the fixed secondaries late game. Custodes Win 98-92

Game 2 - Space Marines

Another game on player placed terrain, into Scott. This game was a constant back and forth - Hellblasters and oath of the moment are a solid combo, lethal & sustained on 5+s in dev doctrine gave him a huge tool to be able to deal with my big things Including drawing pretty dead in the midgame secondaries causing some really low scoring turns. It came down to bottom of turn scoring on turn 5 with a clutch draw of capture enemy outpost giving me a 24 point swing to secure the win.

Daemons win 63-54

Game 3 - Imperial Guard

Last game of Day 1 was into indirect guard, on UKTC Terrain and dawn of war deployment. The efficacy of the guard shooting was somewhat limited by the inability to shoot at my entire army until It was in charge range. None the less Joe was a brilliant opponent and we had a great fun game despite it being a bit of a blow out.

Highlights include the changeling solo killing a leman rush demolisher by forcing battleshock over and over. We also won free drinks - which is always a nice way to re-caffinate myself.

Daemons win 99-54

Game 4 - Chaos Knights

Coming into day 2 I had a chaos knights opponent, James and his 11 Armigers, lots of melta and lots of battleshock shenannigans. I knew that going into this on search and destroy I would have to weather at least 1 big turn of his shooting - if I could deal with that I would have a fighting chance.

So Shalaxi lived on 1 wound and then picked up 5 knights pretty much by herself. Unfortunately I had elected not to use a clock this game, and ended up running out of time meaning I had to rush my last turn in about 30 seconds, causing some inneficiencies I am sure.

Knights win 89-88

Game 5 - Aeldari

I thought I might be able to sneak through the event without seeing the pointy ears, much to my chagrin to see them round 5 - and with a list optimised to kill big stuff, 3 fire prisms. Perfect for Belakor to not get value from his aura.

Fortunately tzeench heard my prayers, and the dice were not with Glenn. I made save after save after save. Ended up wiping a lot of key pieces out in turn 2 - and surviving the clap back helped secure a solid result to finish the event.

Daemons Win 95-60

Closing Thoughts

So this ends my first blog post. I hope you enjoyed the format and a more tournament report esque content. In terms of hobbying - I have been working on more genestealer cults to take to an RTT in September, however the video I had scheduled for this week I did not upload due to it not meeting the quality I want it to be at.

This weekend I will be at the Goonhammer open, with the same list and I hopefully remember to take photos to support the words next week.


Goonhammer Open